What to Expect After a Liquid Facelift in Atlanta

Did you know that wrinkles start forming as early as the age of 25? Many people can’t stand the thought of looking older. But many people also don’t like the idea of going through an invasive and potentially dangerous procedure like a facelift to look younger.

This is why a liquid facelift is such a good idea. A liquid facelift is a new procedure and is far less invasive compared to traditional facelifts. This is because it uses dermal fillers instead of stitches and scalpels.

But how effective are the results of this procedure? What should you expect after the procedure is done? How can you know if a liquid facelift is right for you?

Keep reading and learn more about this procedure and its recovery process below.

What Is a Liquid Facelift?

When you think of a facelift, a terrifying procedure might come to mind. Traditional facelifts had to cut a large incision along the top of your forehead to pull your face upwards. The excess skin would be cut away, and the top of the incision would be secured with staples and sutures.

Recovering from this type of facelift would take months and would be very painful. You won’t have to deal with any of that when you opt for a liquid facelift. This is because a liquid facelift is a completely different kind of procedure.

The magic behind this procedure is dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are usually made out of hyaluronic acid. This is not a dangerous acid as you might expect.

It is water-based, and it is a substance that your body produces naturally. It also attracts water to itself. This helps add plumpness and hydration to your face.

When dermal fillers are injected into your face, they will add volume. This is important because everyone loses volume in their faces as they get older. This is due to the loss of collagen, which becomes a more prominent problem every year.

Dermal fillers are injected into specific parts of the face to produce the most promising results. Common areas include the cheekbones, around the mouth, the jawline, and so on. It is also common to inject these fillers around the temples and below the lower eyelids.

Other Filler Options

Besides hyaluronic acid fillers, it is also possible to use collagen or fat fillers. Fat fillers use your own fat to add more volume to your face. They are also permanent, unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, which may last a few months.

Collagen fillers are also great because they stimulate your body’s ability to make collagen. This can reduce wrinkles and make your skin more elastic and supple. There are also calcium hydroxyapatite and poly-L-lactic acid fillers.

These fillers can last as long as a year. Some clinics specialize in certain types of injections. Others use a variety of different kinds.

Some also experiment with platelet-rich plasma taken from your blood to rejuvenate your skin cells. Once you get the dermal fillers injected, it may take a week or so to notice your results. This is because the fillers have to settle and your face has to recover from this procedure.

But once you see your results, you’ll be surprised at how effective the fillers are. Because they add volume, they do a great job of filling hollow eye sockets and cheeks. They can also make nasolabial folds (laugh lines) less noticeable.

Injections around the eyes will smooth out any wrinkles you may have there. They will make your face much smoother and more youthful overall. The procedure is also not painful.

your provider will numb your face beforehand.

What to Expect After a Liquid Facelift

Many people are afraid of the recovery process after a cosmetic procedure like a facelift. Liquid facelifts have very minimal downtime. This is unlike traditional facelifts, which might require you to recover for months.

Most people experience some minor side effects after the procedure. Common side effects include bruising, swelling, and redness. You are more likely to see these effects around the sites of the injections.

These side effects are normal and they should go away on their own within the first week of recovery. You may also feel slight pain and tenderness around the injection sites.

There is no need to skip work when you go through with this procedure. You should feel good enough to go back to work the next day. You’ll have to take special care of your skin as it heals.

Avoid putting any pressure on your face. This might displace the fillers. Don’t sleep face-down on your pillow, and try not to touch your face too much for the first week.

When you wash your face, use a gentle cleanser that won’t irritate the injection sites. If you are bothered by the swelling and redness, use an ice pack. This will reduce inflammation and discomfort.

How to Recover

Avoid strenuous exercise during the first week of recovery. You should also avoid hot environments like saunas. This is because your sweat is full of bacteria that could enter your injection sites.

This could lead to an infection, which could ruin the results of your liquid facelift. Self-care is very important after going through this procedure. Make sure you drink plenty of water and rest as much as you need.

While getting a facelift of this type is not very invasive, it is still important to give yourself time to recover. Most of your side effects will go away after the first week. Once your injection sites heal, you can use makeup to cover any remaining bruises.

There are very few risks associated with this procedure. It is far safer than a traditional facelift since it is less invasive. The main risk is infection.

If your swelling gets very bad and you’re in a lot of pain, you may have an infection. It is vital to contact your doctor if you think you have this problem. The good news is that it is not very common to get an infection after a liquid facelift as long as the doctor performs the procedure correctly.

It is also important to use sunscreen as you recover. Your skin will be more sensitive after the procedure. It is best to protect it from the sun so it doesn’t get more irritated or burned.

Is a Liquid Facelift Right for You?

There are many types of facelifts, so how can you be sure that a liquid facelift is right for you? This type of facelift has many benefits over other types. Most other types are invasive in some way.

A traditional full facelift is the most invasive option. But there are also browlifts and other similar procedures that require you to go under the knife. Any time an incision is made on your face, it will leave a scar.

While scars fade over time, they are permanent. Most scars are hidden under your hairline, but there is still the risk of infection. Incisions have a far higher rate of infection compared to injection sites.

This is because the needles that inject dermal fillers are very small.

The Details

Traditional facelifts also require far more aftercare. You likely will have gone under anesthesia for the procedure.

This will make you feel tired for a few days. The swelling and pain will also be more intense. These side effects will also last much longer.

You might have to wait two weeks or longer before the swelling goes down. With traditional facelifts, you have to worry about cleaning your sutures and changing the dressings. You may also not feel well enough to go back to work for a week or so.

This can be a problem if you have a busy schedule. A liquid facelift is far more straightforward. It is also less painful.

There is no need for general anesthesia since it is not very invasive. Some people go back to work the same day as their procedure. Liquid facelifts are far more flexible and give you great results.

The results will last between 6 months and two years, depending on what kind of fillers you get.

What to Expect From a Liquid Facelift

A liquid facelift is a great alternative to a traditional facelift. There is no need for scalpels or sutures. Dermal fillers are used to add more volume to your face.

This smooths out any wrinkles you may have and makes your face look plumper and more youthful. There are also very minimal side effects. Are you ready to get a liquid facelift?

Check out how our services can help.